About This Site

I’m using this website to highlight aspects about myself that are not easily communicable through resumes, cover letters, transcripts, etc.

I hope to use this platform to record economic observations, shine a spotlight on research/projects from various courses and post passion projects. These projects will mainly be data-driven analyses and crossword puzzles.


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About Me

I am a rising senior at the University of Rochester majoring in economics with a minor in computer science. I spend most of my free time reading, watching movies/TV, exercising and listening to music/podcasts.

Currently reading: The Price of Everything by Russell Roberts

Last seen movie : Da 5 Bloods directed by Spike Lee

Currently watching: Counterpart

Last album listen: No Pressure by Logic

Current favorite podcast: Probable Causation hosted by Jennifer Doleac

first_initial + last_name @ u.rochester.edu